This is daily horoscope. Each day will be different.
Ouster Combat
Combat Ousters will have great fortune today. Red Wolf from the closet will open the Pyramid of Life so that the Red Rum Guardians to invade the Perona. A skillful player might step into poop because a GM said so. However, when the monsters will double, the Dark Reaper will use different tactics. Later try your luck but be careful if you do not have the luck bible.
Your today luck charm: By land and sea.
Ouster Mage
Karisas`s blood touched the Elementals. Shadow Wings of the Stone will try to kill the afk players from Caligo. Best fire ouster will hide in the darkness when the snow will start. However, when the sound of the rain will start, the Rimmon will use different tactics. You should write a small review of this application in Google Play.
Your today luck charm: In service of god.
Vampire Int
Karisas`s blood touched the Vampires. Red Soldier of light might kill you if you go to Tardland. An ugly fire ouster will hide alot when the rain will stop. However, when 3 monsters will appear into your path, the Red Wolf will show you the path. Later test your luck with the sun cores.
Your today luck charm: Freedom and justice.
Vampire Combat
The blood of the moon drip over Combat Vampires today. Rimmon from the forest will open the Pyramid of Life so that the Red Rum Guardians to invade the Water Way. An overpowered chanter might step into poop because the Water Way might be flooded. However, during experience hour, the Nosferatu might step into poop. You should post something crazy in DKL Group on Facebook.
Your today luck charm: Steadfast in duty.
Slayer Healer
Karisas`s blood touched the Those Who Support. Alkan of light will open the Pyramid of Life so that the Red Rum Guardians to invade the Perona. A moron vampire combat will pee on your preferred tree few times. However, during experience hour, the Black Golemer will steal your weapon. Later you should try some enchants.
Your today luck charm: Wardens of the West.
Slayer Enchanter
The today projection of The Enchanters is promising. Widows of sorrow will give birth to a Shadow Crag that will follow you everywhere but not in Eisen. The poor gunner will steal your weapon because he/she wants to. However, when the sound of the rain will start, the Black Golemer might scam a friend of yours but you will be safe. Later you should go and lvl.
Your today luck charm: With pen and sword.
Slayer Gunner
Planets alignament is not so good for the The Cowboys. Gold Hoble of the Stone will open the Pyramid of Life so that the Red Rum Guardians to invade the Holy Land. An overpowered player might change the weapon for fun! However, when a game master will come online, the Shadow Wings will hide in the darkness. If you plan to afk today, then do not do it.
Your today luck charm: Peace, progress, prosperity.
Slayer Sworder
The today projection of Sworders is promising. Dark Reaper of the Stone will destroy the symbol from Water Way. A bad chanter might die in PVP for you because you are annoying for him/her. However, when 3 monsters will appear into your path, the Shaman Oaf will hide a lot. In the second half of the day, do not miss the 2x experience.
Your today luck charm: One god, one goal.
Slayer Blader
Bladers should be aware today. Gold Hoble of the Stone will open the Pyramid of Life so that the Red Rum Guardians to invade the Holy Land. An overpowered player might change the weapon for fun! However, when a game master will come online, the Shadow Wings will hide in the darkness. Later try your chance with some liliths 2.
Your today luck charm: Wardens of the West.